2016-03-16 Time for Heroes – come and join us! A glimpse of what´s to come in Jönköping and Huskvarna during 2016. Welcome! Not only European MTB Championships but...
2016-03-15 Bring your bike The surroundings of Jönköping and Huskvarna gives great opportunities for mountainbiking as well as road cycling....
2016-03-14 Roberto Vacchi klar som speaker under #euromtb Det är klart att rösten som så många av oss fått leva med under åtskilliga TV-sändningar med cykel måste få...
2016-03-09 Världens mest uppkopplade skog De flesta sportarrangemang som du besöker på någon form av arena har det idag. Majoriteten har det hemma, i skolan,...
2016-03-01 Your stay – our and Avisitas mission We offer a coordinated booking service with special rates on accommodation for participating teams, nations, sponsors...
2016-02-18 Let the Sun shine Around Europe there are many eager cyclist ready to make the most out of the 2016 season. There´s been a few UCI-races...
2016-02-10 For our Swedish audience – Vi bloggar på Bicycling Från och med februari bloggar vi om EM på cykeltidningen Bicycling´s webb. Lite om bakgrunden, vad som händer just...
2016-01-21 Craft Sportswear – proud partner of Euromtb 2016 Craft Sportswear proudly announces that it will be Official Partner to the 2016 UEC Mountainbike European Championships...
2016-01-20 Bianchi – Title sponsor of #euromtb 2016 Bianchi heads north into Swedish mountainbike trails and becomes title sponsor for UEC Mountainbike European...